
How To Make Cedar Oil Spray For Garden

It is not advisable to use pesticides in the kitchen or around the house especially if you have children and pets. Some people are allergic to pesticides and that's why it is important to learn how to make a natural homemade fruit fly spray.

To make a homemade fruit fly spray, pour 1 cup of warm water in a hand spray bottle then add 5 teaspoons of peppermint oil. Spray the solution directly on the fruit flies to repel them. Alliteratively, you can use other essential oils like lavender, eucalyptus, and basil.

Essential oils are safe to use because when mixed with water, they are not harmful to humans or animals. You can comfortably spray the mixture on kitchen counters and cupboards to deter flies.

How To Make a Homemade Fruit Fly Spray

Table of Contents

  • 1 6 types of homemade fruit fly spray
    • 1.1 1. Dish soap homemade fruit fly spray
    • 1.2 2. Basil homemade fruit fly spray
    • 1.3 3. Peppermint homemade fruit fly spray
    • 1.4 4. Lemon eucalyptus homemade fruit fly spray
    • 1.5 5. Lavender homemade fruit fly spray
    • 1.6 6. Lemongrass homemade fruit fly spray
  • 2 Home made fruit fly repellent
    • 2.1 1. Vanilla + Mint
    • 2.2 2. Lemongrass fruit fly Spray
    • 2.3 3. Basil
  • 3 Dealing with fruit fly infestation
  • 4 Fruit Flies in Drain
  • 5 Can a homemade fruit fly spray work anywhere?
  • 6 Can homemade spray kill fruit fly eggs?
  • 7 Homemade sprays vs commercial fruit fly sprays
    • 7.1 Are they safe for the environment?
    • 7.2 1. Bug Spray for Fruit Flies
    • 7.3 2. Organic Fruit Fly Spray 30
    • 7.4 3. Natural Fruit Fly Spray 30
  • 8 Can homemade sprays for fruit flies work outdoors?

6 types of homemade fruit fly spray

There are several alternatives that you can use to make spray when you have a fruit fly infestation. Here are the 6 best homemade sprays you can use to get rid of fruit flies:

1. Dish soap homemade fruit fly spray

You can use dish soap to make a fruit fly spray at home. Dish soap spray can kill fruit flies because it contains chemicals like borax which dehydrates and chokes fruit flies very fast. here is how to make a homemade fruit fly spray using dish soap:

  1. Pour 1 cup of warm water into a spray bottle
  2. Add 1/4 cup of dish soap and shake to mix
  3. Spray the solution directly on the fruit flies and watch them die

You can spray this on the counters, tables and floor after moping to ensure that they do not land there especially if you are having an infestation.

Another advantage of using this method is that soapy water is toxic to roaches and other insects in the kitchen.

2. Basil homemade fruit fly spray

Basil in its original herb form repels insects and is one of the best repellents to use when getting rid of any flies and insects around the house. To repel fruit flies fast at home, use these steps to make a homemade repellent:

  1. Crash a hand full of basil leaves
  2. Mix with a cup of warm water
  3. Spay the mixture on the fruit flies to repel them instantly

It is still okay to mix a few drops of basil essential oil with 1/4 cup of water to spray on the fruit flies. For best results, ensure that the water is warm and pure.

3. Peppermint homemade fruit fly spray

Peppermint has been used over the years to repel insects like ants, house flies and fruit flies.

Peppermint can kill fruit flies when they come into contact with it because it contains Pulegone which causes nausea and rapid dehydration.

  1. Pour 1/4 cup of warm water in a spray bottle
  2. Add 4 tablespoons of peppermint oil
  3. Mix and spray the solution direct on the insects

You should always use those sprays after cleaning the house and getting rid of anything that may attract fruit flies. If this is not done, those flies will keep coming back and the valuable oils will be wasted.

4. Lemon eucalyptus homemade fruit fly spray

Eucalyptus essential oil repels and kills fruit flies when directly sprayed on them because it suffocates them. The flies will drop down as they suffocate because this homemade fruit fly will make them dizzy. Here is how to use it:

  1. Pour 1/2 cup of water in a spray bottle
  2. Add 5 teaspoons of lemon eucalyptus essential oil
  3. Add 2 teaspoons of vodka
  4. Mix the solution and spray directly on the flies

This is one of the best homemade spray for fruit flies because the vodka will also help in choking them after the lemon eucalyptus makes them dizzy.

5. Lavender homemade fruit fly spray

While lavender has a lot of health benefits to humans, it is one of the best insect repellents to use at home. Here is how to use it when repelling insects:

  1. Pour 1 cup of water in a bottle spray
  2. Add 3 teaspoons of rubbing alcohol
  3. Add 1/4 cup of lavender into the bottle
  4. Shake to mix and spray it on the fruit flies

Note that you should only use distilled or purified clean water when making a homemade spray. This is because salty water that is not purified will interfere with the rate at which the oils mix with water. This will then give you a poor result.

6. Lemongrass h omemade f ruit f ly s pray

Below is a recipe for a lemon grass spray. Although it does not kill the flies, it helps to drive them away. This is best fro those who want to repel fruit flies without killing them.

  1.  You will need some lemon grass essential oil, a spray bottle and some hot water.
  2. Add ten drops of lemon oil into a spray bottle
  3. Add a cup of hot water to it
  4. Shake thoroughly to mix
  5. Spray the solution directly on the fruit flies

This is one of the best natural repellents for fruit flies in the kitchen because it is not toxic in any way. If possible, always avoid the use of toxic pesticide in the kitchen unless it has been recommended by a professional.

Home made fruit fly repellent

Fruit flies can be a complete menace in your home especially considering how fast they breed. Luckily there are many repellents that you can use to keep them at bay. Here are a number of fruit fly repellents that you may want to consider

1. Vanilla + Mint

For this fruit fly repellent, you will need:

  1. Glass mason jar
  2. Vanilla extract
  3. Mint
  4. Sage (optional)
  5. Cotton wool

How to make a fruit fly repellent

  1. Drop a few cotton balls into the glass mason jar
  2. Pour 5 tablespoons of vanilla extract over the cotton balls
  3.  Add some fresh mint and sage leaves and then cover the jar with a cheesecloth
  4. Screw the glass jar mason lid over the cheesecloth to fasten it over it. Leave the round cover off to facilitate diffusion of the fresh scent given off by the mixture (now a fruit fly repellent)
  5. Place such jars in several areas inside your house. Consider having one near your fruit basket or bowl, and in your kitchen, as these are often target areas for fruit flies.
  6. When the scent starts to recede (usually in a weeks time), clean out the contents of the jar and repeat the process again to make new repellents

Fruit flies are not fans of strong, aromatic and sweet scents and the mint-vanilla-sage mixture used in this repellent is unpleasant to them.

2. Lemongrass fruit fly Spray

Lemongrass spray is yet another very effective fruit fly repellent that you may want to use in your home. Here is how to make one:

  1. Pour 2 ounces of hot water into a spray bottle
  2. Add about 10 drops of lemongrass essential oil and shake thoroughly
  3. Spray the mixture around your house especially on the windowsills and doorways
  4. The fresh scent left behind will discourage fruit flies from entering your house.

Rue: Fruit flies also find the aromatic smell of rue unpleasant which makes it a good repellent. Simply place a few sprigs of this herb around your house, especially in the kitchen and windowsill.

3. Basil

Basil (Ocimum basilicum) is also a fantastic fruit fly repellent. Using it is as simple as placing a basil plant near your fruit bowl and around your home e.g. on kitchen counters, or sprinkling a few cut-off leaves in the midst of your fruits.

Here are even more ways to repel fruit flies:

  1. Place cedar wood blocks or balls among fruits in your bowl
  2. Soak a sponge in lavender oil and place it in your kitchen or any other problem areas. Consider placing one near your fruit bowl or basket
  3. Sprinkle dry soap powder around garbage cans

Dealing with fruit fly infestation

It often happens that even after using the above fruit fly repellents, the buzzy creatures still creep in and invade the privacy of your home. Here are some interventions that you may use to control the problem:

1. Eliminate potential breeding sources: This should be your first step in your quest to control the fruit fly problem.

Ensure that all countertops and floors are clean and free of organic materials and throw any overripe and/or rotting fruits. You may also want to keep your fruits and vegetable scraps in the refrigerator.

2. Clean or throw away beer and soda cans: If you recycle soda cans, rinse them out or put them in a sealed garbage bag since they are often the attractant for these red-eyed bugs.

3. Trap the fruit flies: There are numerous homemade fruit fly traps that you can use but one that seems to be getting all the positive reviews is the apple cider vinegar-soap trap. Here is how to make one:

  1. Put a small amount of apple cider vinegar in a small glass jar or cup
  2. Add 2-3 drop of dishwashing liquid
  3. Cover the jar with plastic wrap  and then poke a few small holes (pencil width) into it
  4. Place it near the problem area(s), particularly the kitchen, and replace it every few days.
  5. Those pesky creatures will crawl in through the holes only to find out that they cannot find their way out.
  6. The soap also breaks the surface tension of vinegar making it easy for them to drown

4. Fight them with a commercial fruit fly trap: There are numerous fruit fly traps available on the market today and you can always scout for them online. One such trap that seems to be getting all the rave reviews is Terro Fruit Fly Trap.

Fruit Flies in Drain

For the past few months I have been fighting a fruit fly battle and just when I thought the battle is finally won, these pesky bugs have suddenly started coming out of the kitchen drain. How can I solve this problem? Amy

Well, fruit flies often use dirty drains as breeding grounds. Your best bet would be to kill them right there before they come out and spread to the rest of your house. Here are a few tips to control fruit flies in drain:

  1. Remove the drain plug and clean the pipe thoroughly with a hard-bristled brush.
  2. Alternatively, you may want to use a bottle brush for the task. Finish by pouring boiling water down the cleaned pipe.
  3. You may also want to pour some bleach down the drain to kill bacteria since fruit flies are often attracted to areas with high bacterial levels.
  4. Get a commercial bacterial digester and pour it down the affected drain.
  5. You may also want to trap any fruit flies that come off the drain using the homemade trap described in a previous section of this article.

Can a homemade fruit fly spray work anywhere?

Yes , you can use those anywhere from the dining, living room, kitchen and even the bathroom. This can also be used on outdoor plants and anywhere in the back yard.

However, you should note that fruit flies in the bathroom hide in drains and the spray alone can not help in killing them. You need to get rid of those fruit flies in the bathroom rains so that you can completely terminate them.

Fruit flies are a common type of insects mostly found in the kitchen and other areas with food. They are not only limited to the house as they can also be found in hotels, groceries fruit gardens and moist outdoors.

However, you should never spray those solutions directly on food. Their most favored source of food includes ripe and rotting fruits and vegetables as well as anything that is in its fermenting and most states.

They can be found in cleaning buckets, mops, recycling bins, garbage cans, and drains as well. Juice, wine, and other sweet drinks when spilled on surfaces will also attract fruit flies.

Can homemade spray kill fruit fly eggs?

Yes, home made sprays will only be effective in killing the fruit fly eggs if sprayed directly on them. However, you need to make the water hot so that the larvae are completely destroyed.

Thin layers of slime alone can serve as breeding grounds for the flies. These will see to it that hundreds of eggs are laid with an individual female capable of laying 500 of them in their life span which lasts up to ten days.

Given this rapid rate of multiplication, getting rid of these insects may at times be hard. This is why one ought to combine elimination with prevention in the fight against them.

To deal with them, one has to give the control of fruit flies a preventive and elimination approach. These will ensure that there is no recurrence.

All the mentioned areas have to be gotten rid of first before one move to the use of spray fruit fly.

Homemade sprays vs commercial fruit fly sprays

Settling for sprays as the method of fruit fly control comes with various advantages and disadvantages. It provides for the comprehensive elimination of the flies starting from their eggs, larvae, and adult flies.

When used in gardens, it protects fruits from attack as well as prevents their eggs from being transferred into houses. It is perfect for people living in fruit fly-prone areas.

The effectiveness of the fruit fly spray in getting rid of these insects will depend on a number of things. Before purchasing one, it is important to make a background check on the brand and its effectiveness.

This will save you the frustration of a product that has no visible impact. For maximum results, it is bet to use the spray together with proper sanitation.

Before using these sprays, it is important to note that they contain chemicals. They should be used as may be directed by the manufacturer.

Are they safe for the environment?

Those sprays may also have negative effects on the environment. Where they are being used in fruit gardens, there has to be some holding period in which a certain amount of time has to pass before the products can be consumed.

When one has decided that they will be using sprays, one has to read the guiding instructions that come with it. Use it as directed. You can decide when the best time to use the spray is. This should mostly be when there are no people around.

Using spray to kill fruit flies is an easy and convenient method of controlling them. With ready-made sprays, one only needs to follow manufacturer instructions.

In most cases, any insects that come into contact with the spray die instantly. Continuous use leads to their elimination. Sprays also help to kill the insect's larvae.

1. Bug Spray for Fruit Flies

There are bug sprays that work well on fruit flies. Such insecticides are an effective method of exterminating the flies and may as well get rid of other insects.

In most cases, these are not to be used around areas with food. Any edible goods should be kept out of areas in which the spray is to be used.

2. Organic Fruit Fly Spray 30

Organic fruit fly spray is made up of organic products. These are things that have not come in to contact with any harmful chemicals.

They are environmental friendly and more often than not cost a little more than other sprays. For a spray to be regarded as organic, it has to meet certain standards.

3. Natural Fruit Fly Spray 30

There are natural fruit fly sprays in the market. These are non-toxic and also environmentally friendly.

It is also possible to make some at home using natural products. The aim could be either to kill or deter them from coming into sprayed areas.

Can homemade sprays for fruit flies work outdoors?

Homemade fruit fly spray can be used both indoors and outdoors where the menace is being witnessed.

There are different forms of fruit fly spray. One could purchase a commercial spray that is ready to use.

If not, one could make use of the homemade spray. In the two types, the ingredients could be simply natural or organic.

Depending on the safety of the spray, they could be used in areas people live in, on fruits before harvesting in the garden, and in areas of storage.

In the garden, fruit fly spray is used to kill any adult flies hovering around as well as destroy their eggs and larvae. They serve the same purpose in other areas as well.


  1. ResearchGate: Biological activities of essential oils on insects by Jalal Jalal Jalali Sendi, University of Guilan and Asgar Ebadollahi, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili
  2. UCANR: Soap sprays as insecticides by Scott Oneto

How To Make Cedar Oil Spray For Garden


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